Guest Reviews API |
The Guest Reviews API provides the ability to retrieve the guest reviews that Bookerville has on record, for either a single property, or all the properties of an entire Bookerville account.
Invoking the Guest Reviews API for a Single Property
You will of course replace the "s3cr3tK3y" parameter with your own Bookerville API access token. If you don't have one, you may apply for one here:
Request API Token
Note: for testing purposes it is fine to pass your API access token using simple query string parameters in the URL as in the sample above. Once you have completed testing, it is far better to pass it as an HTTP POST (form) parameter instead, because that is more secure.
The bkvPropertyId parameter must be an integer and is the unique identifier for the property within Bookerville. This value is obtained from the
Summary API.
Invoking the Guest Reviews API for All Properties in a Bookerville Account
The bkvAccountId parameter must be an integer and is the unique identifier for the account within Bookerville. This value must be obtained by asking Bookerville staff for it
Contact Us.
Guest Reviews API Results
The results of a successful Guest Reviews API call will appear as the following example XML:
<status>: This field will either contain "success" or "failure". If "failure", look for <error> stanzas for help in resolving the issue.
Guest Reviews API Exceptions
The results of the Guest Reviews API may contain <error> stanzas or <warning> stanzas which are designed to help you debug issues. <error> stanzas are fatal, and a "failure" will be returned. <warning> stanzas are not fatal.
Note that <error> and <warning> stanzas may appear in-line with other XML content. Explanations will be given inside each stanza.