The Rates API provides the ability for external sources (software services) to post updated rates (nightly, weekly, monthly) to a Bookerville account. This can be useful if your organization uses external rate-adjustment services like PriceLabs, and/or if you have an internal group that specializes in rate yield management, and/or runs software to update rates for your properties in bulk.
Invoking the Rates API
You will of course replace the "s3cr3tK3y" parameter with your own Bookerville API access token. If you don't have one, you may apply for one here:
Request API Token
Note: for testing purposes it is fine to pass your API access token using simple query string parameters in the URL as in the sample above. Once you have completed testing, it is far better to pass it as an HTTP POST (form) parameter instead, because that is more secure.
The xmlPayload Field
The Rates API requires that you POST an XML document in a separate HTTP POST (form) key-value pair, called
xmlPayload. The XML document you must submit in this field is as follows:
<bkvPropertyId>: This is the Bookerville id of the property which the rates apply to.
<rateRange> Stanzas
<rateRange>: There can be up to 3,000 <rateRange> stanzas, each one representing a range of calendar dates for which the specified rates apply. Note that individual <rateRange> stanzas may even overlap dates with respect to each other: Bookerville will read and process these in the order they appear in the posted XML document, and will simply overwrite whatever rates are there for those specified date ranges. A <rateRange> stanza may also simply represent a single day, in which case the <beginDate> and <endDate> should be the same.
<beginDate>: Start date of the block of dates (sometimes called a "season") which the rates in this stanza applies to.
<endDate>: End date of the block of dates (sometimes called a "season") which the rates in this stanza applies to.
<weekDayNightlyRate>: The weekday (Sunday - Thursday) nightly rate for the property, for this range of dates.
<weekEndNightlyRate>: The weekend (Friday - Saturday) nightly rate for the property, for this range of dates.
<weeklyRate>: The weekly (7-day) rate for the property, for this range of dates. (Optional)
<monthlyRate>: The monthly (28-day) rate for the property, for this range of dates. (Optional)
<minStayRange> Stanzas
<minStayRange>: There can be up to 3,000 <minStayRange> stanzas, each one representing a range of calendar dates for which the specified min/max stay rules apply. Note that individual <minStayRange> stanzas may even overlap dates with respect to each other: Bookerville will read and process these in the order they appear in the posted XML document, and will simply overwrite whatever min/max stay rules are there for those specified date ranges. A <minStayRange> stanza may also simply represent a single day, in which case the <beginDate> and <endDate> should be the same.
<beginDate>: Start date of the block of dates (sometimes called a "season") which the min/max stay rules in this stanza applies to.
<endDate>: End date of the block of dates (sometimes called a "season") which the min/max stay rules in this stanza applies to.
<block>: If the <block> stanza is present and has value of "yes" (w/out quotes), then all other settings in this
stanza are ignored, and Bookerville will ensure that this block of contiguous days must be booked together. (Optional)
<minStay>: The minimum number of nights required for the booking if any part of the booking falls within the dates in this <minStayRange>.
<maxStay>: The maximum number of nights required for the booking if any part of the booking falls within the dates in this <minStayRange>. (Optional)
<checkInAllowed>: Whether check-in is allowed for the dates in this <minStayRange>.