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Would it be possible to add an Id Field to the Guest Information when initially making booking, ie Passport No./ N.I.E no. These are legal requirements here in Spain and I guess many other countries when renting a property.

7 Responses:

Sabeli Villas.c.b. - E30811939, September 1, 2017:

Could really do with this field, in addition to Name, Address, Contact Details etc.
John Amato, September 1, 2017:

Yes this is possible. Question: could they simply enter it in the Guest Comments field?
Sabeli Villas.c.b. - E30811939, September 29, 2017:

John, it could be entered here, but would not be a "Required Field". Also how would the the guest be prompted.
Sabeli Villas.c.b. - E30811939, July 27, 2018:

John, This request has now become a legal requirement in Spain. In addition we have to take a copy/photo of the renters Id/Passport/Driving License. So would really like a facility where by we can log details and attach a photo. The system allows cleaners to attached photos, so I am presuming this should not be too difficult. If you could give this request some importance it would be appreciated.
John Amato, July 30, 2018:

Who is taking a photo of their Id/Passport/Driving License? Is it the guest taking a snapshot of it with their phone?

Is it just one photo, or multiple photos? How long does Spain require these photos to be retained?
Sabeli Villas.c.b. - E30811939, August 1, 2018:

It would be the person giving access to the property that would be taking the photos. I have been taking them on my phone. Currently I have only been take copies of the Party Leader. However I have just been informed it may be necessary to take copies of all those in the party. (Think this may be incorrect, still checking). Also not sure how long the photos need to be retained for. Will check both queries and come back to you.
Sabeli Villas.c.b. - E30811939, August 1, 2018:

John, I have saved copy Id under the Clean/Inspect section and noted in the comments the Id Name & Number.

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