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I've noticed that the full property address is displayed to the guest as part of any payment details. I was surprised at this since the description says that information is kept private.

8 Responses:

John Amato, March 22, 2015:

Gbelton - where did you see this?

Gbelton, March 22, 2015:

I saw it on the PayPal invoice. I generated a test payment request and fed it through PayPal. Let me see if I captured it. Unfortunately, I did not capture it so I'll have to do it again.
Gbelton, March 22, 2015:

Ok I have it captured. Sending via email.
John Amato, March 22, 2015:

Ok. See if you can do a screen-grab or something. Since it's PayPal, I suspect it's a PayPal thing, not from Bookerville? But then, where did PayPal get it from?

Once the customer is committed (and if they're paying you money, that's pretty committed) more information is shared. Like on the Make Payment page, we do show the property address. Customers want to know what they're purchasing before being comfortable paying money...

Gbelton, March 22, 2015:

I don't send out the full address until a few days before checkin. If I leave it available in PayPal, they can just grab the address, look at my availability calendar and know when the property is vacant. I realize it is a little paranoid but I would rather not provide the opportunity.
John Amato, March 22, 2015:

Ok Gbelton - we'll put something in your Dashboard ==> Account Settings, in the "Advanced Settings" box:

"makePaymentPageSuppressPropertyAddress"       "Y"

This will suppress showing the actual street address of the property on the Bookerville Make Payment page. It will still show the city, state, and zip code though.

Does that help?

Gbelton, March 22, 2015:

Absolutely and thank you.
John Amato, March 22, 2015:

Just a heads-up: I've made that setting in your account, but the software update for it won't be made until 4:00 am (EST) tomorrow...

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